The University of Phoenix alone spends over$ 200 million a year on television and Internet pitches, according to an estimate from Madison Avenue trade paper ad age. 根据广告行业媒体《广告时代》(AdAge)的一项估算,仅凤凰城大学(UniversityofPhoenix)一家就每年花费2亿美元用于电视和互联网推广。
Based on the changes we have tracked over much of the past decade, we estimate that the world will not reach full gender parity for another 80 years. 基于过去十年大部分时间里追踪到的变化,报告预测,世界要到80年后才能实现完全的性别平等。
Goodwill is the excess value over the Market value of the PP& E, plus an estimate of the Present Value of the future Customer Book of Business. 无形资产是PP&E市场价值之外的盈数,加上将来客户生意单上现存价值的估计。
Inventories in so-called bonded warehouses, where metal can sit before import duties have been paid, have risen from 200,000 tonnes to about 400,000 tonnes over the same period, traders estimate. 交易员估计,在所谓的保税仓库中的铜库存同期从20万吨增至40万吨左右。保税仓库是指存放尚未缴纳进口关税的金属的仓库。
Not many people used it, I was told, because it was too expensive, and it had cost the city countless trillion yuans over estimate, but that only confirmed my fellow-feeling for this city of raffish excess. 有人告诉我,坐这种车的人不太多,因为太贵了,它让上海耗资上百亿人民币,高出估算,不过这证实了我对这座城市过度花费的感觉。
No official data are released over the make-up of its stockpiles, analysts estimate that about 70 per cent is held in dollars with the remainder in euros and to a lesser extent sterling. 有关部门没有提供中国外汇储备构成的官方数据,但分析人士估计,其中约70%以美元形式持有,其余先是欧元,然后是英镑。
Fax over an estimate and we'll have you a check by friday. 把估价传真给我们,星期五之前你会收到支票的。
Against these losses are set the expected earnings ( after dividends) over these years, plus a provision for 2011 losses. Here the regulators estimate earnings at$ 363bn, against an assumed$ 210bn for the IMF and Mr Roubini. 相对于亏损,美国监管机构估计,这些年的预期收益(派息后)加上2011年的亏损拨备为3630亿美元,而IMF和鲁比尼估计为2100亿美元。
In view of over estimate budget in engineering cost, the author thinks that design is the key, and quota design is the best way of control engineering cost. 针对工程造价超概算问题,本人认为设计是关键,通过限额设计可以控制工程造价。
The current Chinese electricity supply is placed in the tight situation over a long period of time, the contradiction of demand exceeding supply will long-term exist and the demand estimate management will be used as to alleviate the contradiction. 目前中国电力供应长期处于紧张状态,需求大于供给的矛盾将长期存在,需求预测管理将有助于缓解供需矛盾。
Close-Loop Identification Using Over-Sampling and its Estimate Accuracy Analysis 闭环系统的输出过采样辨识方法及其估计精度分析
The improvements obtained from the LS algorithm over the maximum entropy algorithm ( Burg algorithm) include higher resolution in the spectrum, less bias in the frequency estimate of spectral components, and absence of observed spectral line splitting. LS法比最大熵谱法(Burg法)具有更高的分辨率,而且可以避免谱线的分裂和减少谱线的偏移,从而得到更精确的结果。
This article mainly narrates the definition of substance over form principle and how this principle is specifically applied in the aspects of economic item recognition, accounting estimate and financial statement etc, it also discusses the significance of this principle in improving accounting information quality. 本文主要阐述了实质重于形式原则的含义,以及这一原则在经济事项确认、会计计量、财务报告方面的具体应用,论述了实质重于形式原则在提高会计信息质量方面具有重要意义。
Our simulation results show that for high errors correlation case, new estimate is superior over the moment estimate appeared in literature under mean square error criterion. 若以均方误差作度量估计优劣的标准,模拟显示当误差相关程度较高时,新估计优于文献中常见的矩估计。
Over estimate the cost of code duplication, and hence lost some optimization opportunities; 过分高估指令复制的代价从而导致失去一些优化机会。
Comparing to the adaptive algorithm assuming that the signal was locally stationary over a relatively short time, the coordinate approach can estimate the time-varying parameters more effectively. 与假设在一段时间间隔内信号是平稳变化的自适应方法相比,坐标法可以进一步提高参数估计的精确度;
An algorithm of image registration based on motion vectors estimation was proposed. The algorithm takes advantage of complex wavelet transform ( CWT) over the conventional wavelet transform, such as shift-invariance and better directional selectivity, to estimate motion vectors. 介绍一种基于移动向量估计的图像配准技术,它利用复小波变换相对传统小波的一些优点,如位移不变性、多方向选择性,对移动向量进行估计。
Over hot is the main reason of PIN switches 'failure, therefore thermo-resistance and device dissipation power measurement to estimate the inner temperature accurately is necessary dramatically. 由于开关损坏的主要原因是过热损坏,对PIN二极管进行热阻和功耗测试以准确估计器件的内部温升是非常必要的。
Concretely, under the two frames of the theories model of the block sample maximum and POT ( peaks over threshold), the article is laid emphasis in the estimate of the model parameter. 具体说来,在分块样本极大值理论模型和阀顶点(PeaksOverThreshold,POT)理论模型的两大框架下,文章侧重于模型参数的估计。
Secondly, it talked over the design of paper DCS, including the control system project design 、 the means of designing for DCS 、 the work for designing DCS 、 the content of budgetary estimate, lastly it discussed the invite public bidding. 接着详细讨论了造纸DCS控制系统的设计,内容包括系统工程设计、集散控制系统设计方法、DCS设计阶段要做的工作、DCS工程概算内容,最后讨论DCS系统招标书的内容。
It may have over 200 nights for the observation in a regular years from our estimate. 预计正常年景可用夜应在200夜以上。
Market conditions change over time, and this will cause changeable correlation between two stocks. Meanwhile the finite length of time series available to estimate cross correlations will introduces "measurement noise". 市场条件随时间不断变化,会造成两个股票的相关关系不是固定不变的,而有限的时间序列估计相关关系又会受到一些噪声信息的干扰。
With regard to numerous creep-fatigue life prediction models have been proposed over the past half-century, a novel approach on the basis of Bayesian Information Criterions is applied to select the best model and estimate the capacities of life prediction model. 针对已经提出的寿命预测模型,提出一种基于贝叶斯信息量准则的方法去评价模型的预测能力和选择最优模型,该方法相比工程标准差在对模型预测能力的评估上有更为理想的效果。
However, some studies indicated that I-shared people may be affected by false consensus bias to over estimate the quantity of other who was accordant with them. 但是有研究发现主我分享可能受虚假一致性偏差的影响,即过高地估计与他态度一致的人的数量,进而会高估分享主观经验的程度。
Customer transaction records over the past are used to estimate the customer value based on the RFM model. 在RFM模型的基础上,利用顾客过去的交易记录来估算顾客价值。
The new method not only improves the results of LS greatly, but also has an advantage over ridge estimate and truncated singular value method. ( 3) A new singular value modification scheme is proposed. 两步解法不仅大大改善了LS估计的结果,而且优于常用的克服病态性的方法:岭估计和截断奇异值法。(3)提出了一种新的奇异值修正方案。